Publicações e Eventos

Operação assessorada por Pinheiro Guimarães foi premiada no Latin Lawyer Deal of the Year Awards 2023

Pinheiro Guimarães participou de operação que foi premiada como “Deal of the Year” no Latin Lawyer Deal of the Year Awards 2023 na categoria de “Capital Markets“: “Brazil privatises Eletrobras“.


Operação assessorada por Pinheiro Guimarães foi premiada no Latin Lawyer Deal of the Year Awards 2023


Deal advised by Pinheiro Guimarães was awarded at the Latin Lawyer Deal of the Year Awards 2023


Pinheiro Guimarães advised a deal that was awarded “Deal of the Year” at the Latin Lawyer Deal of the Year Awards 2023 in the area of “Capital Markets“: “Brazil privatises Eletrobras“.


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